
Education Updates in Budget 2024

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Budget 2024 brings exciting news for students and families across Ireland, with significant changes in education-related measures aimed at making learning more accessible and affordable. Let’s explore these updates: Education Updates in Budget 2024

1. Free School Books: A Boon for Primary Students

  • The continuation of free school books for primary school students ensures that families can breathe easy when it comes to the cost of essential educational materials. This measure eases the financial burden on parents and guardians, allowing them to focus on their child’s education.

2. Free School Books for Secondary Students: Starting September 2024

  • In a groundbreaking move, Budget 2024 introduces free school books for secondary school pupils, beginning in September 2024. Students in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd years will receive their required books free of charge. This significant change paves the way for more accessible and equitable education at the secondary level.

3. Student Grants: Boosting Financial Support by €300

  • Student grants are set to increase by €300, providing much-needed financial support for students pursuing higher education. This increase helps cover educational expenses, making it easier for students to access quality learning opportunities.

4. Postgraduate Grants: Up to €2,300 in Support

  • Postgraduate students will now be eligible for grants of up to €2,300, offering invaluable financial assistance as they pursue advanced degrees. This move encourages lifelong learning and career development.

5. Reduced Undergraduate Fees: A Helping Hand for Families

  • Budget 2024 introduces a reduction in undergraduate fees, with families earning up to €100,000 benefiting from a decrease to €1,500. Other families will also see a substantial reduction of €1,000 in fees. These fee reductions make higher education more attainable for a broader range of students.

A Commitment to Affordable Education

By reducing the financial barriers associated with education, these measures empower individuals to pursue their academic goals and contribute to a knowledgeable and skilled workforce.

As these changes take effect, students and families can look forward to a more affordable and equitable educational landscape. Budget 2024 ensures that education remains a pathway to a brighter future for all, regardless of their financial circumstances.

Education Updates in Budget 2024

Stay tuned for further Budget 2024 updates by following What’s Going On Ireland on TikTok and visiting whatsgoingonireland.ie throughout the day.

Budget 2024 Highlights – what we know so far

3 thoughts on “Education Updates in Budget 2024”

  1. Hi Claire,
    Delighted I subscribed such great bargains & advice!!
    Just wondering for secondary school & free books is that going to include the iPad that most schools use now? My oldest will be starting in sept 24’
    Also my youngest son was diagnosed with a speech disorder called DLD & he was lucky enough to spend a year in a special education class for speech disorders, we have got the incapacitation tax credit but what else should I possibly get? I also am main carer for my father who has severe arthritis he said I should get money for all I do for him?
    Any advice greatly appreciated, also married to a farmer & I am a named partner for accounts

    1. Hey, on the school booked for secondary school, it is just the books but this also covers the download books that you have to buy for the ipads.

  2. I’ve been meaning to join , but now made time to, great help and so informative, needed for everyone!! Thanks C 🙂 happy new year 🥳

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