
Rising Electricity Bills Highlight Urgent Need for Reform of Ireland’s Energy System

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The recent announcement of a €100 increase in household electricity bills underlines the urgent need for a fairer, more equitable approach to managing Ireland’s national grid. The decision by the Commission for the Regulation of Utilities (CRU) to approve this hike, set to take effect in October, places yet another financial burden on families and ordinary workers who are already feeling the strain of high living costs. Rising Electricity Bills Highlight Urgent Need for Reform of Ireland’s Energy System

At a time when electricity prices remain significantly above pre-energy crisis levels and higher than the European average, this additional charge will hit hard. Sinn Féin’s spokesperson for the Environment, Climate and Communications, Darren O’Rourke TD, has voiced strong opposition to this move, highlighting the disproportionate impact it will have on struggling households.

The Growing Financial Pressure on Families

According to O’Rourke, many families are already in arrears on their electricity bills, and this increase will likely push more households into financial difficulty. The risk of disconnection is a real threat for some, as the burden of rising energy costs becomes unsustainable. While there is no doubt that investment in the electricity grid is crucial for Ireland’s transition to net zero, O’Rourke stresses that this financial burden should be distributed more fairly.

A Call for Equitable Reform

Sinn Féin argues that the government’s approach is deeply flawed. As energy companies report record profits, ordinary households are bearing the brunt of rising costs. The government’s inaction on regulating standing charges only exacerbates the problem. O’Rourke highlights Sinn Féin’s push for legislation that would require energy companies to justify these increases and give the regulator more power to manage them.

The PSO Levy and the Need for Change

The €100 increase comes alongside another recent announcement of a €40 hike in the PSO levy—a charge intended to support renewable energy generation. While this levy plays an important role in promoting sustainable energy, Sinn Féin points out that its current structure is regressive. Ordinary families are once again shouldering an uneven share of the cost.

O’Rourke emphasizes that Sinn Féin’s proposals offer a more balanced approach to the energy transition, ensuring that the move to renewable energy is fair and just for all citizens. Their reforms would shift the burden away from ordinary families and ensure that energy companies contribute more equitably to the costs of the transition.

In the face of rising costs, reform is not only necessary—it’s urgent. The current system is unsustainable for families and workers, and it’s time for the government to act.

Rising Electricity Bills Highlight Urgent Need for Reform of Ireland’s Energy System


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