The Part-Time Job Incentive (PTJI) Scheme allows those receiving Jobseeker’s Allowance (JA) to engage in part-time work and receive a special weekly allowance instead of their jobseeker’s payment. It serves as a transition towards full-time employment, requiring participants to remain available for and seek full-time work while on the PTJI Scheme. Part Time Jobseekers Incentive
To be eligible for the PTJI Scheme, individuals must secure part-time work (less than 24 hours per week) after being on long-term Jobseeker’s Allowance for a minimum of 390 days. They should also receive a weekly JA payment of at least €139.40 for singles or €227.30 for those with a qualified adult. Commitment to staying on the scheme for 2 months is mandatory, and the part-time job must be insurable at PRSI Class A or J, lasting a minimum of 2 months.
The duration of payment under the PTJI scheme is initially one year, extendable, with participants required to actively search for full-time work throughout the scheme.
Participants in the PTJI Scheme receive a weekly allowance of €139.40 for singles or €227.30 for those with a qualified adult. There are no increases for qualified children, and the allowance is paid regardless of job earnings. While the allowance itself is not taxable, regular wages are subject to usual taxation.
Applying for the PTJI Scheme involves contacting the Intreo Centre or local Social Welfare Branch Office after securing part-time employment. Participants must complete application form PTJI1 and provide details about their part-time employment. Employers need to fill out form PTJI2 every 4 weeks to confirm worked hours and insurability. Timely return of forms is essential for uninterrupted weekly payments through EFT.
While on the PTJI scheme, no secondary benefits are provided. However, participants can retain their medical card for up to 3 years, irrespective of their earnings. Rent Supplement is also available, with earnings assessed against the supplement.
For appeals related to the PTJI scheme, participants can appeal to the Officer in charge at their local Intreo Centre or Social Welfare Branch Office, as the PTJI scheme is non-statutory, and appeals are not directed to the Social Welfare Appeals Office.
Part Time Jobseekers Incentive
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