
Men Earned 9.6% More Than Women Last Year

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In the world of work, fairness and equality have always been essential goals. However, the latest figures from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) reveal that a gender pay gap still exists. In the past year, men earned 9.6% more than women, underscoring the need for ongoing efforts to bridge this divide. Men Earned 9.6% More Than Women Last Year

  • Men earned 9.6% more than women in the past year.
  • The Gender Pay Gap varies significantly across different sectors and job types.
  • The financial, insurance, and real estate sectors had the highest Gender Pay Gap at 24.7%, while the education sector had the lowest at 2.7%.
  • On average, men worked 35.7 hours per week, while women worked 30.1 hours per week.
  • The Gender Pay Gap reflects an average difference in earnings and doesn’t account for discrepancies in pay for the same job.
  • The pay gap is more prominent in the private sector compared to the public sector, where women are paid slightly more on average.
  • Interestingly, women in part-time work are paid more on average.
  • Generally, the pay gap decreases in larger companies.
  • The pay gap favors women in the 15-24 age group but shifts towards men as individuals progress in their careers.
  • This survey is conducted every four years by the Central Statistics Office (CSO), with no reporting of median earnings between publications. The last survey in 2018 indicated median earnings at €17.10.

The Gender Pay Gap, highlighting the difference in earnings between men and women, offers an insightful view into the workforce. While progress has been made, there is still room for improvement, particularly in narrowing the gap in various sectors and age groups. These findings emphasize the need for continued efforts to achieve gender pay equality.

Men Earned 9.6% More Than Women Last Year

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