
Who Receives a Christmas Bonus?

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A Christmas Bonus is granted to individuals receiving long-term social welfare payments. You are eligible for a Christmas Bonus if you are receiving any of the following payments: Who Receives a Christmas Bonus? and when is it paid?

  1. Back to Education Allowance – For individuals transitioning from jobseeker’s payments, you should have been receiving the Allowance for at least 12 months (equivalent to 312 days). Your time on jobseeker’s payment can be considered to help you qualify.
  2. Back to Work Enterprise Allowance – Similar to Back to Education Allowance, individuals transitioning from jobseeker’s payments should have been receiving the Allowance for at least 12 months (equivalent to 312 days). Your time on jobseeker’s payment can be used to qualify.
  3. Back to Work Family Dividend
  4. Benefit payment for 65-year-olds
  5. Blind Pension
  6. Carer’s Allowance and Carer’s Benefit (including half-rate Carer’s Allowance)
  7. Community Employment
  8. Deserted Wife’s Allowance and Deserted Wife’s Benefit
  9. Daily Expenses Allowance (formerly known as Direct Provision Allowance) for a minimum of 12 months
  10. Disability Allowance
  11. Disablement Benefit
  12. Domiciliary Care Allowance
  13. Farm Assist
  14. Guardian’s Payment (Contributory) and (Non-Contributory)
  15. Illness Benefit for a duration of 12 months or more
  16. Invalidity Pension
  17. Job Initiative Scheme
  18. Jobseeker’s Allowance for a duration of 12 months (312 days or more)
  19. Jobseeker’s Transitional payment
  20. Magdalene Commission Scheme
  21. Death Benefit Scheme (under the Occupational Injuries Scheme)
  22. One-Parent Family Payment
  23. Partial Capacity Benefit
  24. Rural Social Scheme
  25. State Pension (Contributory) and State Pension (Non-Contributory)
  26. Supplementary Welfare Allowance for 12 months (312 days or more)
  27. Tús
  28. Widow, Widower’s, or Surviving Civil Partner’s Pension (Contributory) and (Non-Contributory)
  29. Work Placement Experience Programme

These individuals will receive a Christmas Bonus, which is essentially a double payment for the week commencing December 4th.

Who Receives a Christmas Bonus?

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8 thoughts on “Who Receives a Christmas Bonus?”

    1. Jennifer callaghan

      No wfp never get anything fuel allowance no.. Xmas bonus no…I don’t no how they think people on wfp can survive,we have 4 kids and xmas around the corner,this country is a joke

      1. I hundred percent agree with you, they need to do more for WPF, my situstion is I have 2 kids and a single mother , no help from the childrens farther. We dont get fuel allowence , sometimes you wonder if your better off not working, i am finding it extremly hard with 2 children couldnt imagne having 4 and being able to provide , im stressed enough with two x

  1. Scandelous I’m a single mother of 5 on wfp my partner died 8 years ago and no extra benefits at all I only work part time as I can’t afford child care disgraceful better off sitting at home but I come from a working class family we all always worked.

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