
Help When Your Electricity is Disconnected

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Introduction: Facing electricity disconnection due to non-payment of bills can be a challenging and distressing situation. However, there are steps you can take to address this issue, avoid disconnection, or get your supply restored if it has already been disconnected. In this article, we’ll outline some essential steps to help you navigate this difficult situation. Help When Your Electricity is Disconnected

  1. Contact Your Electricity Supplier: Before you reach the point of disconnection, it’s crucial to proactively communicate with your electricity supplier. Reach out to them and discuss your financial situation honestly. If you are facing difficulties or consider yourself a high-risk household, let your supplier know. They may be able to provide assistance or offer alternative payment arrangements that suit your needs.
  2. Seek Assistance from MABS: If your situation escalates, and your electricity supply is disconnected, don’t despair. The Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS) is here to help. Contact MABS, and they can assist you in the following ways:a. Reconnection Negotiations: MABS can engage with your electricity supplier on your behalf to discuss the possibility of reconnecting your supply.b. Repayment Plan: MABS can help you negotiate a manageable repayment plan with your supplier, ensuring that you can catch up on your outstanding bills over time.c. Electric Ireland Hardship Fund: MABS also has access to the Electric Ireland Hardship Fund, which is designed to provide financial relief for those struggling to pay their electricity bills. This fund can offer valuable support during challenging times.
  3. Reach Out to SVP: The Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVP) is another organization that can provide assistance with your electricity bills. They offer support to individuals and families in need, helping them access essential services and resources. Contact SVP to discuss your situation and explore the assistance they can provide.
  4. Contact the Department of Social Protection: If you are in dire financial straits, it’s essential to consider all available avenues of support. Get in touch with the Department of Social Protection and inquire about access to an Exceptional Needs Payment. This payment is designed to assist individuals and families who are facing unexpected, exceptional expenses. It may help cover your outstanding electricity bills and prevent further hardship.

Conclusion: Facing electricity disconnection due to non-payment of bills can be overwhelming, but remember that there is help available. By taking proactive steps, including reaching out to your supplier, contacting organizations like MABS and SVP, and exploring support from the Department of Social Protection, you can work towards a solution. Don’t hesitate to seek assistance when you need it most. Your electricity supply can be restored, and your financial burden lightened with the right support and guidance.

Help When Your Electricity is Disconnected Due to Non-Payment of Bills

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The Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) is the regulator of the electricity industry.

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