
Extra Support in Budget 2024

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Budget 2024 has unveiled an array of cost-of-living measures, including extra payments in November, to provide vital support and start the new year on a positive note. Let’s explore these payments, each tailored to address specific needs: Extra Support in Budget 2024

1. Qualified Child Bonus: €100

  • Parents caring for dependent children will receive a valuable €100 Qualified Child Bonus in November, providing crucial assistance.

2. Living Alone Allowance: €200

  • Recognizing the unique challenges and expenses faced by individuals living alone, there’s a €200 increase in the Living Alone Allowance.

3. Carers Support Grant: €400

  • Caregivers, who tirelessly devote their time and energy to those in need, will receive an extra €400 as a well-deserved acknowledgment of their selfless dedication.

4. Disability Support Grant: €400

  • The commitment to assisting individuals with disabilities remains strong, with a €400 supplement for the Disability Support Grant.

5. Working Family Payment: €400

  • Families managing the balancing act of work and family responsibilities through the Working Family Payment will receive an additional €400, recognizing their ongoing efforts.

These payments exemplify the government’s dedication to addressing diverse needs and providing essential support for social welfare recipients. They are a positive start to the year, offering financial assistance where it’s needed most.

Budget 2024 ensures that social welfare recipients can transition into the new year with greater financial security and stability, reflecting the government’s commitment to the well-being of its citizens

Extra Support in Budget 2024

For more Budget 2024 details keep an eye on What’s Going on Ireland on TikTok and whatsgoingonireland.ie

1 thought on “Extra Support in Budget 2024”

  1. If you are getting carers for two people, one person getting domiciliary and lives with you and your also claiming resbite grant for a elderly person whos not living with you.. will we get two lump payments?

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