Hard Times Support


Who Receives a Christmas Bonus?

A Christmas Bonus is granted to individuals receiving long-term social welfare payments. You are eligible for a Christmas Bonus if you are receiving any of the following payments: Who Receives a Christmas Bonus? and when is it paid? These individuals will receive a Christmas Bonus, which is essentially a double payment for the week commencing …

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Unemployment Benefits Tied to Pay for First 9 Months

In a significant welfare system overhaul, Minister Heather Humphreys announces a revamped unemployment benefit plan that ties payments to workers’ previous earnings for the first nine months after job loss. Here’s the breakdown of the new scheme set to roll out next year: Unemployment Benefits Tied to Pay for First 9 Months Graduated Payment System: …

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Easy Ways to Boost Your Income

Finding ways to increase your income can significantly improve your financial situation and bring more stability into your life. Here, we’ll explore several straightforward strategies to help you enhance your earnings and achieve a more secure financial future. Easy Ways to Boost Your Income 1. Check Your Social Welfare Entitlements Start by reviewing your social …

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Claim the 2023 Rent Tax Credit

The 2023 Rent Tax Credit, providing up to €500 for individuals and up to €1,000 for couples. To help you navigate the process, here’s a straightforward guide to making your claim. Claim the 2023 Rent Tax Credit Qualifying Conditions for All Claimants Before claiming the Rent Tax Credit, it’s essential to ensure you meet the …

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Help When Your Electricity is Disconnected

Introduction: Facing electricity disconnection due to non-payment of bills can be a challenging and distressing situation. However, there are steps you can take to address this issue, avoid disconnection, or get your supply restored if it has already been disconnected. In this article, we’ll outline some essential steps to help you navigate this difficult situation. …

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Cost of Living Supports

Budget 2024: one-off cost of living supports Here is a list of the cost of living supports. The government has introduced several one-off cost of living supports. Like what we do? then please consider subscribing to us https://whatsgoingonireland.ie/subscribe-landing-page/ Follow me on TikTok for more https://www.tiktok.com/@whatsgoingonireland?lang=en For more information on the cost of living supports and …

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€450 Electricity Credit Payment

In a promising update for domestic energy customers, Budget 2024 introduces a welcome relief – the €450 electricity credit payment. This generous credit is designed to assist households in managing their electricity bills, making life a bit more affordable and convenient. Key Highlights of the Electricity Credit: 1. Financial Assistance for Domestic Customers Every domestic …

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Extra Support in Budget 2024

Budget 2024 has unveiled an array of cost-of-living measures, including extra payments in November, to provide vital support and start the new year on a positive note. Let’s explore these payments, each tailored to address specific needs: Extra Support in Budget 2024 1. Qualified Child Bonus: €100 2. Living Alone Allowance: €200 3. Carers Support …

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