
November Election: Why It’s Time for Real Change

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Ireland is on the brink of a general election, expected to be announced next week, with voting set for November. This election is crucial, coming at a time when the country is grappling with its worst housing, health, and education crises in history. As the current government rolls out one-off cost-of-living payments in an attempt to win votes, the real question is: Will people be fooled by these short-term solutions, or will they demand the lasting change Ireland desperately needs? November Election: Why It’s Time for Real Change

The Crises We Face

Let’s start with housing. The current government has overseen a deepening housing crisis, where families are being priced out of their homes, rents are soaring, and the number of people in emergency accommodation has reached unprecedented levels. Despite years of promises, the government’s policies have failed to provide affordable housing, leaving thousands of people struggling to find secure accommodation. Young people are being forced to delay starting families or move abroad in search of a better quality of life. The government’s so-called solutions—subsidies to landlords and developers—are not addressing the root cause of the issue: the need for a comprehensive, state-led housing plan.

In healthcare, we face a similar story. Hospitals are overcrowded, waiting lists are shockingly long, and our frontline workers are overstretched. Despite having billions at its disposal, the government has failed to invest in the kind of healthcare system Ireland needs. Emergency departments are in chaos, patients are left waiting for hours or even days for treatment, and the mental health services are underfunded and overwhelmed. This government’s focus on privatization has left ordinary people to pay the price, either through long waits for care or by being forced to go private if they want timely treatment.

Education has not fared any better. Schools across the country are overcrowded, underfunded, and struggling to provide the quality of education our children deserve. Teachers are overworked, resources are stretched thin, and parents are being asked to contribute more and more to cover the costs. Meanwhile, third-level education is increasingly out of reach for many, with rising fees and inadequate supports for students. The government has failed to address the fundamental inequalities in our education system, leaving too many young people behind.

Will People Be Fooled Again?

In the lead-up to this election, the government has opted to give out one-off cost-of-living bonuses. Payments like the €400 lump sums for vulnerable groups may seem generous, but they are nothing more than short-term distractions. These bonuses are designed to buy votes, offering temporary relief without addressing the underlying issues causing the cost-of-living crisis. It’s crucial that we don’t let these handouts cloud our judgment.

The reality is, this government has had years to fix these problems, and they haven’t. Temporary bonuses won’t fix the housing crisis, won’t shorten hospital waiting times, and won’t improve the education system. It’s time to demand real, structural change.

Why We Need a New Government

Ireland cannot afford another five years of the same failed policies. What we need is a government that will take bold, decisive action to tackle the housing, health, and education crises head-on. This election is a chance to vote for real change—a chance to vote for a government led by Sinn Féin, supported by the Social Democrats and People Before Profit. These parties have consistently advocated for policies that would address the root causes of these crises: building public housing on a large scale, investing in a public healthcare system that works for everyone, and properly funding our schools and universities.

A Sinn Féin-led government would prioritize building affordable housing, expanding access to healthcare, and making education accessible to all, not just those who can afford it. They would also focus on addressing the rising cost of living, not with one-off bonuses, but by tackling the underlying issues that make life unaffordable for so many in Ireland today.

Check Your Voting Eligibility

As we approach this crucial election, it’s more important than ever to make sure your voice is heard. If you haven’t already, now is the time to check the electoral register to ensure you are eligible to vote. You can easily check your status online at CheckTheRegister.ie. If you’ve moved house or haven’t registered yet, you still have time to make sure you’re ready to vote in November. Every vote will count in this election, and it’s essential that we all take part in shaping the future of our country.

This November, we have the chance to bring about real change. Let’s not be fooled by short-term giveaways. Let’s vote for a new government that will prioritize the long-term wellbeing of the Irish people.

November Election: Why It’s Time for Real Change


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