
Home Energy Grants

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There are a number of ways to plan and manage your home energy upgrade and grant applications. Compare the options and the grants available to see what works for you. Home Energy Grants

  • Individual Energy Upgrade Grants (Comprising Better Energy Homes and Solar PV schemes) Selection of individual grants for home energy upgrades
  • Who this is for?
  • For homeowners and private landlords who want:
    • individual energy upgrades to manage their own project to apply for the grant themselves to pay for full cost of works and claim grants afterwards
    Criteria – homes built and occupied before:
    • 2011 for insulation and heating controls2021 for heat pumps and renewable systems
    What is included?
  • Homeowners manage their upgrades including:
    • contractor selection, grant application, contractor works, follow up BER
    About Individual Grants
  • One Stop Shop Service, A complete home energy upgrade solution,
  • Who this is for?
    • For homeowners and private landlords who want:
      • multiple energy upgrades to upgrade to a minimum B2 BER,a fully managed solution including grant applications to pay for the works net of eligible grant
      Criteria -homes built and occupied before:
      • 2011 for insulation and heating controls2011 for renewable systems, All homes must complete a minimum level of energy upgrades and achieve a minimum BER rating of B2
      What is included? A One Stop Shop will manage your upgrade including:
      • home energy assessment grant application, project management, contractor works, follow up BER
      About One Stop Shops
  • Fully Funded Energy Upgrade(Comprising Warmer Homes) For qualifying homeowners
  • Who this is for?
  • For qualifying homeowners in receipt of certain welfare benefits:
    • Fuel Allowance, Job Seekers Allowance for over six months with a child under seven, Working Family Payment, One-Parent Family Payment, Domiciliary Care Allowance, Carers Allowance, Disability Allowance for over six months with a child under seven
    Criteria – homes built and occupied before:
    • 2006 for insulation and heating systems
    What is included –
  • This service is managed by SEAI and includes:
    • home surveycontractor selectioncontractor worksfollow up BER
    About Fully Funded Energy Upgrades
  • Home Energy Grants

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