
Are You Eligible for Cost Rental Housing?

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Cost rental housing is a scheme aimed at providing affordable homes to those in need. To see if you qualify for this housing option, let’s take a look at the eligibility criteria in an easy-to-understand way. Are You Eligible for Cost Rental Housing?

Who Qualifies for Cost Rental Housing?

To be eligible for a cost rental home, you should meet the following criteria:

  1. Income Limits: Your net annual household income should be below €66,000 if you’re in Dublin and €59,000 if you’re in other parts of the country.
  2. No Social Housing Supports: You shouldn’t already be receiving social housing supports, including Rent Supplement or HAP (Housing Assistance Payment).
  3. No Property Ownership: You must not own any property.
  4. Matching Household Size: The size of the property you’re applying for should be suitable for your household. All members of your household must be living in Ireland when you apply.
  5. Affordability: You should be able to afford the rent for the cost rental home. Affordability is crucial, and rent should not exceed 35% of your net household income. You’ll need to provide supporting documentation to prove your affordability.
  6. One Application per Household: Only one application per household is allowed. Applying multiple times will disqualify you from the lottery.


Cost rental housing is designed to make affordable housing accessible to those who need it most. If you meet the eligibility criteria outlined here, you may have the opportunity to secure a cost rental home that suits your needs and budget. Remember, affordability and adherence to the application rules are key, so make sure to submit your application correctly and within the guidelines. Good luck in your pursuit of affordable housing!

Are You Eligible for Cost Rental Housing?

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3 thoughts on “Are You Eligible for Cost Rental Housing?”

  1. Hi, I live in a Dublin City council house my husband and daughter works and the other in school I don’t work he gets less than 66,000 a year are we entitled to this thanks

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