
Child Benefit Doubles on December 5th

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Great news for families! In Budget 2024, there’s a special treat for everyone receiving Child Benefit – a one-time double-payment for each child on December 5, 2023. Child Benefit Doubles on December 5th

What’s Happening:

  1. Double the Benefit on December 5th:
    • If you’re getting Child Benefit for your children, get ready for a boost on December 5th.
    • The usual monthly rate of €140 per child will be doubled to €280 on this special day.
    • For families with twins, it’s even better – they get one-and-a-half times the regular monthly rate for each child.
    • And for families with triplets or more, the joy is doubled as Child Benefit is paid at double the usual monthly rate for each child.
  2. Extended Child Benefit Age Limit:
    • Child Benefit will now cover children up to the age of 18 who are in full-time education, starting from September 2024.
    • No need to worry about this change until September 2024, giving families time to adjust.

Key Points:

  • If you receive Child Benefit, expect a double-payment on December 5th – €280 per child.
  • Twins get one-and-a-half times the monthly rate for each child on this special day.
  • Families with triplets or more get double the usual monthly rate for each child.
  • Child Benefit will cover kids in full-time education up to age 18 starting September 2024.


  • December 5th is doubling the joy for families with Child Benefit.
  • Child Benefit now supports kids in full-time education up to age 18 starting September 2024.
  • It’s a simple and kind way to provide extra support to all families receiving Child Benefit. Enjoy the added boost!
  • Child Benefit Doubles on December 5th

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2 thoughts on “Child Benefit Doubles on December 5th”

  1. Is there anything for those on illness benefits? I was diagnosed with cervical cancer and put on illness benefit I get €170 a week €65 of that goes on rent I’m not entitled to fuel allowance or anything like that

    1. Hi, the only additional benefit on illness is the double payment the first week of December and the last week of January, if you are 12 months on the payment.

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