
Lump Sum Payment Dates

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Here’s a breakdown of the key payment dates and the number of recipients for each support measure: Lump Sum Payment Dates

  1. €400 Cost of Living Payment to Working Family Payment Recipients
    • Payment Date: Week commencing 20 November 2023
    • Approximately 46,000 recipients
  2. €400 Disability Support Grant
    • Payment Date: Week commencing 20 November 2023
    • Recipients: 214,000 individuals receiving Disability Allowance, Blind Pension, and Invalidity Pension
  3. Fuel Allowance Lump Sum of €300
    • Payment Date: Week commencing 20 November 2023
    • Recipients: 409,000 households
  4. €400 Carer’s Support Grant
    • Payment Date: Week commencing 27 November 2023
    • Recipients: 130,000 carers
  5. €200 Payment for People in Receipt of Living Alone Allowance
    • Payment Date: Week commencing 27 November 2023
    • Recipients: 237,000 individuals
  6. €100 Lump Sum for Each Child with an Increase for a Qualified Child
    • Payment Date: Week commencing 27 November 2023
    • Benefiting 370,000 children
  7. Christmas Bonus Double Payment
    • Payment Date: Week commencing 04 December 2023
    • Reaching 1.3 million recipients
  8. Double Child Benefit Payment
    • Payment Date: 5th December 2023
    • Supporting 650,000 families with 1.2 million children
  9. January Cost of Living Double Payment
    • Payment Date: Week commencing 29 January 2024
    • Assisting 1.3 million individuals
  10. For the complete list of Budget 2024 Social Protection measures, visit www.Gov.ie/DSPBudget24. These steps underscore the government’s commitment to addressing the challenges posed by the rising cost of living and supporting those in need.

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Lump Sum Payment Dates

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