
Redundancy Calculator

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What is the Redundancy Calculator?

If you have been made redundant or if you have an entitlement to a redundancy payment, this calculator will show an estimated statutory redundancy amount that may be due.
You will be asked to input relevant employment details to generate this estimated calculation. The calculation is based on the statutory entitlement of 2 weeks gross pay per year of service plus an additional bonus week.

Who can use this calculator?

This tool is available to anyone, it is anonymous and the information that is provided cannot be used to identify a person by the Department of Social Protection.

Further information

For more information about Redundancy you can explore the following:

The statutory redundancy payment is two week’s gross pay per year of service up to a ceiling of €600 per week plus one week’s pay, which is also subject to the ceiling of €600.  This payment is tax-free. For information on how to calculate your entitlements please go to the redundancy calculator on the Department of Social Protection website. Some employers may make redundancy agreements above the statutory rate.

For information on the status of redundancy lump sum or rebate claims submitted for payment you can contact the Redundancy Payments Section directly on 0818 111112. Further information will also be published on www.welfare.ie

If an employer has not paid the employee his/her redundancy lump sum, he/she should apply to the employer for it using form RP77 – Claim by an Employee against an Employer for a Lump Sum or Part of a Lump Sum. If your employer still refuses to pay it, you can apply to the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection for direct payment from the Social Insurance Fund.

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