Help Mental Health

Navigating Mental Health Services: Your Guide to Getting Help

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When it comes to mental health concerns, knowing where to turn for support is essential. This concise guide will direct you to the right resources, whether you’re seeking help for yourself or someone you care about.

Where to Apply

1. Your Family Doctor (GP)

Your journey to better mental health often begins with your family doctor (GP). Many individuals approach their GP with common mental health issues such as depression or anxiety. In some cases, your GP may refer you to a mental health specialist like a psychiatrist, clinical psychologist, or addiction counselor.

2. YourMentalHealth Information Line

Discovering mental health services in your area is just a call away. Dial the YourMentalHealth information line at Freephone 1800 111 888. Alternatively, you can send a text to 50808 for support and information about available services.

Urgent Help

In urgent mental health situations when your GP is unavailable, swift action is crucial. You have options:

  • Contact a GP Out-of-Hours Service
  • Access local mental health services through your nearby mental health unit or hospital.
  • Use the 50808 text service for help at any time.

For emergencies requiring immediate attention, call 999 or 112.

Health Services at Your Local Health Office

The Health Service Executive (HSE) offers a range of community-based mental health services, typically staffed by a team that includes a consultant psychiatrist, registrar in psychiatry, nurses, and, in many areas, professionals like addiction counselors, psychologists, social workers, and occupational therapists.

When You’re Referred to a Psychiatrist

Depending on your situation, you might be referred for an out-patient appointment or, in emergencies, receive immediate attention. During these appointments, the psychiatrist will discuss your mental health issues and treatment options.

Out-Patient Treatment and Community Services

The goal of out-patient and community services is to provide treatment and support within your home and community whenever possible. General practitioners play a pivotal role in delivering community care services.

  • Out-Patient Clinics: These clinics offer assessments and follow-up treatments, often located in community health centers and staffed by a consultant psychiatrist, community psychiatric nurses, and other specialists.
  • Day Hospitals or Day Centers: Offering assessments, treatments, and nursing care, day hospitals provide an alternative to hospital admission. The same consultant psychiatrist from out-patient clinics typically treats patients here.
  • Day Centers: These community-based facilities offer supportive activities in a welcoming environment, often staffed by psychiatric nurses and sometimes occupational therapists.
  • Sheltered Workshops: These community settings focus on work activities suited to individual skills or needs, supported and guided by trained staff.

Admission to Hospital

While most individuals receive treatment without hospitalization, some may choose or require admission. There are two types of hospital admissions:

  • Voluntary Admission: When someone chooses to be admitted for mental health treatment.
  • Involuntary Admission: In rare cases, admission may be mandatory under specific legal criteria to ensure the person’s well-being.

In-Patient Services

In-patient services typically involve medical and nursing care provided within a hospital setting. Upon admission, patients are assessed and treated in an acute admission ward. Afterward, most patients receive follow-up care through out-patient clinics or day hospitals. In certain situations, care may take place in a secure, restricted environment.

Residential Units

Residential units offer varying levels of support:

  • High-Support Group Home: Designed for individuals needing 24-hour nursing care and support while living in the community.
  • Medium-Support Group Home: Intended for fairly independent individuals who require some assistance in specific areas of daily living.
  • Low-Support Group Home: For highly independent individuals who may need minimal supervision.

Where to Find Services

For information about mental health services available in your area, contact the YourMentalHealth information line at Freephone 1800 111 888. You can also explore local mental health resources at

Navigating Mental Health Services

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