Gp Visit Cards

GP Visit Card

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What is a GP Visit Card?

  • A GP visit card provides free access to family doctor (GP) services and certain assessments.


  • To qualify, you must be ordinarily resident in Ireland.
  • Eligibility is based on age, income, and specific circumstances.


  • GP visit cards cover GP visits, including out-of-hours services, and blood tests.
  • They do not cover hospital charges. Medicines may be covered by the Drugs Payment Scheme.

Changes to Eligibility (2023)

  • The income limit increased on 11 September 2023 and will increase again on 13 November 2023.

Income Limits for People Under 70

  • Income limits are based on net income (income after tax, PRSI, and USC).
  • Additional allowances apply for children and allowable expenses.
CategoryFrom 11 SeptemberFrom 13 November
Single person living alone€361€418
Single person living with family€322€373
Married or cohabiting couple (or lone parent with dependent children)€524€607
Allowance for each of the first 2 children aged under 16€57€57
Allowance for 3rd and for each subsequent child under 16€61.50€61.50
Allowance for each of the first 2 children aged over 16 (with no income)€58.50€58.50
Allowance for 3rd and for each subsequent child over 16 (with no income)€64€64
Each dependant over 16 years in full-time non-grant-aided third-level education€117€117

Allowable expenses include:

  • Childcare costs
  • Rent (not including any amounts paid by Housing Assistance Payment or Rent Supplement)
  • Reasonable mortgage payments on your family home and other land or property.
  • Mortgage protection insurance and associated life assurance.
  • Home insurance.
  • Maintenance payments you make.
  • Nursing home, private nursing, or home care costs for you or your spouse.
  • Costs of traveling to work, including:
    • The cost of public transport.
    • Driving expenses if a car is required, at a rate of 30 cent per mile/18 cent per km. If a couple needs two cars to travel to work, a double allowance applies. The cost of parking can be taken into account.
    • Reasonable contributions towards carpooling costs.

How to Apply

  1. Gather Required Information:
    • Personal Public Service (PPS) numbers for you and your dependents.
    • Choose a participating GP.
  2. Apply Online: Apply for a GP visit card online if your GP accepts online applications.
  3. Apply by Post or Email:

For People Aged Over 70

  • If you are aged over 70, you can register for a GP visit card online or use the provided registration form.

For Carers

  • Those receiving Carer’s Benefit or Carer’s Allowance may be eligible for a GP visit card.

Appealing Application

  • If your application is refused, you can appeal the decision.

Review Process

  • GP visit card entitlement is periodically reviewed due to changing circumstances.
  • Ensure to return your review form to maintain card validity.

More Information

For the most up-to-date information and application forms, visit the HSE Medical Card Website.

Remember that eligibility and income limits may change, so it’s essential to stay informed through the HSE website or by contacting the appropriate authorities.

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