
5 Essential Steps to Taking Control of Your Debt

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Dealing with debt can feel overwhelming, but remember, you’re not alone, and there is a path to financial freedom. In these five crucial steps, we’ll guide you through tackling your debt and regaining control of your finances. While you navigate this journey, know that you can reach out to organizations like MABS, who provide free and judgment-free support from trained advisors.

Step 1: Gather Your Financial Information

Begin by creating a comprehensive picture of your financial situation. Make a list of all your income sources, expenses, bills, debts, and any assets you may have. This step is essential to understand what you owe and what you can afford to pay. You can compile your own lists or utilize MABS My Full Financial Picture tool to simplify this process.

Step 2: Prioritize Urgent and Priority Debts

While you work on a long-term solution for your debt, address any urgent debts as a priority. Paying your rent or mortgage should be no1, keeping your home warm and food in the fridge is no2, all others commitments come 3rd.

Step 3: Seek Opportunities for Financial Improvement

With your completed financial snapshot, explore potential areas where you can enhance your financial situation. Identifying these opportunities will be crucial as you determine the best strategy for tackling your debt. Are you able to offer a service that you could earn extra money from, could you negotiate a pay rise in work, could you upskill to secure a role that pays you more, have you things in your home that you could sell. There are many ways to boost your income, however while you are struggling it is hard to see these.

Step 4: Explore Debt Tackling Strategies

There are various approaches to managing and overcoming debt, from implementing better money management practices to negotiating informal agreements. You may also consider formal debt solutions provided by law. Take the time to research and understand the options available to you.

Step 5: Put Your Debt-Tackling Plan into Action

Once you’ve decided on the most suitable approach for your situation, take action promptly. Implement your debt-tackling plan and follow our action plan to work towards your financial goals.

Your chosen debt solution should align with your unique circumstances, putting you in control of your financial future.

5 Essential Steps to Taking Control of Your Debt

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